ted wild

Hi, My name is Ted Wild.

Right now I am in China, born and raised here.

I am that friend who secretly suffered from anxiety for over a decade but managed to self-helped my way out of the mud, correct a lot of my false mindset, and right now living a mindful and blissful life, continuing a journey of self-improvement.

I have learned a lot along the way, but the core of it is that all problems in our life boil down to one word:


I believe the goal of our lives is to learn the right mindset toward life, to explore this world and ourselves, to create, share, and help others.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

This is my online home where I share and learn with you about:

  • Self-help: Depression, anxiety, perfectionism, insecurity, addiction…
  • Self-improvement: How to learn better? How to be excellent?
  • The right mindset for living a fulling life: How to interpret what life throws at us so we can be happy no matter what?
  • Exploring life: How this world works? How do humans work? Reading, knowing people, trying different things and perspectives.
  • Exploring ourselves: What are our values? Talents? What mark can we make?

Welcome to drop by.

Warning: This site is packed with hardcore insights.

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Mail: mail@tedwild.cc

Chinese Website: tedwild.com

Twitter: @Tedwildmind