The Reality
“3 minutes to live 1% happier”
[Scroll down for English version]
Reality: 这才是安慰一个人的正确方法 | 2023.4.25
Happy Reality Day! 开始本周3分钟的现实, 1%的快乐 ↓
❤ 1个我的领悟
(1) 第一类:同事心。
- 毫无人性型:“哈哈哈,你好搞笑啊,太丢人了,哈哈哈” (右手颤抖.jpg)
- 讲道理型:“我给你说啊,这个事你做的的确有问题,你应该这么这么……”
- 否认情绪型:“你不应该这么难过”、“生气伤身体”、“忘记这件事吧”
- 粉饰太平型:“夸张了,没那么严重,你没那么差,你不会做这种事的”
- 轻描淡写型:“这没什么大不了的”、“你会好起来的”。
- 白莲花型:“你怎么能做这种事呢?这的确太差劲了”
- 庆幸自己型:“太丢人了,还好不是发生在我身上啊,不然真不知道该咋面对”
- 转移攻击型:“那个人怎么能这么说你?他可真孙子……”
- 比你厉害型:“你那算啥,我有一次更惨……”

“宝子你好惨,我真替你感到难过”、“I’m sorry”。


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❤ 1个其他人的领悟
– Richard Eyre
❤ 1个问你自己的问题
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❤ 1个小尝试
Ted Wild
PS: 新鲜出炉的文章:如何活在当下(你会庆幸自己花了这8.8分钟的)
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Reality: How to comfort someone | 2023.4.25
Happy Reality Day! Here is your weekly dose of reality to help you live 1% happier.
❤ 1 Insight From Me
Let’s say you’ve just done something embarrassing and humiliating, so you go talk to a friend, hoping to get some comfort from him. What do you want to hear?
I have summed up three types of comforting words, they are: Apathy, sympathy, and empathy.
(1) Apathy comforting.
The focus is on “things”, and kind of “not really my business and I don’t actually give a damn”. Some people in this category do care, they just don’t know how to comfort people.
- Inhuman type: “Hahaha, that’s so funny, it’s so embarrassing, hahaha”
- Rational type: “Let me tell you, there is indeed a problem with what you did, what you should do is…”
- Emotional Denial type: “You shouldn’t be so sad”, “It bad for your health to be angry”, “Forget about it”
- Whitewashing type: “Exaggerated, it’s not that serious, you’re not that bad, you wouldn’t do such a thing”
- Understatement type: “It’s no big deal”, “You’ll be fine”.
- I’m perfect type: “How can you do such a thing? It really sucks”
- Thank god it’s not me type: “That’s so embarrassing, thank god it didn’t happen to me, otherwise I really don’t know what to do”
- Attack type: “How can that person say that about you? He is such a dick…”
- I’m better than you type: “That’s nothing, what happened to me was even worse, once…”
After listening, you may immediately regret telling him about it.
❤ 1 Insight From Others
“Change begins with understanding and understanding begins by identifying oneself with another person. In a word empathy. The arts enable us to put ourselves in the minds, eyes, ears and hearts of other human beings.”
– Richard Eyre
❤ 1 Question For Yourself
When was the last time you comforted someone? If you were asked to do it again, would you change the way you do it?
❤ 1 Small Step To Take
Empathy is actually a sign of inner strength.
In the following week, try listening to someone close to you, and then comfort him with empathy.
Do you find this issue of Reality helpful? Leave a reply to this email, I check every reply in my inbox.
Until next week,
Ted Wild
PS: Fresh article I wrote:Why Self-help Books Fail To Help
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