The Reality


“3 minutes to live 1% happier”

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Reality: 人生的核心是心态  | 2023.5.10

Happy Reality Day! 开始本周3分钟的现实, 1%的快乐 ↓




  • 能不能过的快乐取决于心态。你整个人生的目标就是活的快乐点,而能不能活的快乐,就取决于你的生活心态是什么样,也就是怎么面对生活扔给你的各种遭遇。是考试不顺利就抑郁?还是被关到集中营还能数星星?
  • 能不能做好事情取决于心态。我在做事方法金字塔里说过,一个人“办事能力强”、是“解决问题的高手”,其实核心不是因为他掌握了多少知识和技能,而是因为他有更厉害的思维方式,以及最重要的——更强大的心态。具体看这篇文章
  • 事业成不成功取决于心态。你能不能做到不顾周围所有人的反对,坚持做自己喜欢的事情?能不能克服对创业失败的恐惧?机会来临的时候你能不能有魄力抓住?这些才是那些人“成功”的根本。电影《大空头》给我最大的感受就是,即使我是华尔街最早得到这个能赚几十倍收益的消息的人之一,我敢不敢抓住这个机会?后期面对那么多银行、政府系统的黑幕,我敢不敢一个人和整个国家的经济对赌,继续持有不抛售?
  • 感情顺不顺利取决于心态。你敢不敢在你的另一半面前完全做真实的自己?敢不敢和他敞开心扉,告诉他你所有的经历、缺点、做过的那些见不得人的事情?吵架了你能不能内心足够强大,主动找他聊清楚这件事,不至于给感情积累裂痕?
  • 投资赚不赚钱取决于心态。投资理财说到底玩的也不是技术,是心态。技术很简单,就四个字——“长期持有”,但真的眼看着你的股票断崖式下跌30%,你还敢不敢继续定投?
  • 能不能认识更多人取决于心态。陌生人在你眼中默认是坏人?是好人?是想从你这得到什么?见了女生就感觉紧张,还是能很快聊起来?是不由自主想讨好别人,还是内心强大、不卑不亢?这些都是心态。
  • 身体健康也取决于心态。你是不是真的意识到了身体健康的重要性?你锻炼身体是为了身材还是身体?你会不会为了工作上的一点屁事而不按时吃饭?这些都是心态。




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– 甘地



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  1. 目前为止你认为自己做的最失败的3件事情。学业,事业,感情等任何方面都可以;
  2. 每一件事情后边,写下背后涉及的心态方面的原因。




Ted Wild

PS: 被陌生人骂了怎么办?

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Reality: Mindset Is The Core of Life  | 2023.5.10

Happy Reality Day! Here is your weekly dose of reality to help you live 1% happier.

1 Insight From Me

Mindset is the core of life.

Mindset is the foundation of all walks of life, whether you can live a good life depends on it.

  • Whether you can live happily depends on your mindset. The goal of your whole life is to live happily, and whether you can live happily depends on your mindset, that is, how you face the shit that life throws at you. Depressed because of a failed exam? Or you can count stars even if you are locked up in a concentration camp?
  • Whether you can do things well depends on your mindset. I said in the Wild Pyramid of Life that a person is “a master at solving problems”. In fact, the core is not how much knowledge and skills he has, but a more powerful way of thinking, and most importantly – a stronger mindset. See this article for details.
  • Career Success depends on your mindset. Can you keep doing what you love despite the opposition of everyone around you? Can you overcome the fear of failure? When the opportunity comes, are you courageous enough to seize it? These are the roots of those people’s “success”. The movie “The Big Short” gave me a hit that, even if I was one of the first people on Wall Street to get the news that could earn dozens fold, would I dare to seize this opportunity? Faced with the corruption of the banking and government systems, do I dare to bet against the economy of the entire country by myself and continue to hold and not sell?
  • Whether your relationship goes well or not depends on your mindset. Can you completely be yourself in front of your significant other? Do you dare to open up with him and tell him all your experiences, shortcomings, and the dark shit you have done? After a fight, can you be strong enough to take the initiative to talk to him about this matter, so as not to accumulate cracks in the relationship?
  • Whether investment makes money or not depends on your mindset. Financial management is not about tricks but about mentality. The trick is very simple – “go long-term”, but seeing your stock jump by 30%, can you continue to invest?
  • Whether you can meet more people depends on your mindset. What is the default image of a stranger to you? Bad? Good? Do you feel nervous when near a girl, or comfortable? Are you a people pleaser? Or do you have a strong heart? These are all mindsets.
  • Physical health also depends on your mindset. Are you really aware of the importance of good health? Are you exercising for shape or body? Do you miss meals doing some shit at work? These are mindsets.

All your actions come from mindsets.

All of my content centers around the word “mindset”, stay subscribed, stay happy.

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1 Insight From Others

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.”

– Mahatma Gandhi

1 Question For Yourself

Have you realized that the “mindset” is actually the cornerstone of every part of your life? And your happiness, career, emotion, health, and wealth all stem from your mindset?

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1 Small Step To Take

“Mindset Checklist”:

Take out a piece of paper and write down:

  1. The 3 biggest failures so far. Any aspect is fine, could be school, career, relationship, etc;
  2. Write down the mindset behind these failures.

You’d be amazed that this invisible thing “mindset” is the boss.

Do you find this issue of Reality helpful? Leave a reply to this email, I check every reply in my inbox.

Until next week,

Ted Wild

PS: Article:Why Self-help Books Fail To Help

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  • 1 insight from me
  • 1 insight from others
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  • 1 small step you can take

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