Ted Wild

Ted Wild

The 4 fairnesses of life

There are 4 fairnesses of life: Physical fairness, hurt fairness, future fairness, and happiness fairness. 1. Physical fairness Everyone goes through illness and death. Everyone lives for a couple of decades. Everyone can be killed with a bullet or even…

The 4 unfairnesses of life

The 4 biggest unfairnesses of life are: Born unfairness, hurt unfairness, future unfairness, moral unfairness. 1. Born unfairness Some are born rich. Some are born disabled. Some are born in the U.S. Some are born in Uganda. Which lottery we…

No Fairness In The World

Why can others be born into a rich family, while I work hard to earn some wages, and have to take care of my family? Why do people who deceive live so well, while my parents worked hard for half…

How To Not Compare To Others

We are constantly comparing to others, mostly with people we know or around us.  It’s human nature. It’s in our genes, something developed 200,000+ years ago but we are still carrying today.  We are social creatures, knowing what others are…

Overthinking: From Hello To Goodbye

This is a practical guide to dealing with overthinking, like, really practical, with worksheets and clear steps. It worked on me. What is overthinking, really? Is Einstein spend months thinking about a scientific problem with no result overthinking? If not,…

Automatic Thought Model (ATM)

Your brain NEVER stops thinking, as I said in this article about our thoughts. It’s constantly generated thoughts, and all the automatically generated thoughts are called automatic thoughts (You don’t say). Here is what I find out about these automatic…

What You Need To Know About Your Thoughts

Thought is a magic tool humans have that enables us to dominate this planet. Here is what I find interesting about thought, and what you need to know about it if you want to live happier.  1. Your brain never…

Anxiety: A Practical Guide

We are the most advanced creature in this world, but how we work is actually the same as all other animals, even single-cell organisms: we go towards what feels good and avoid what’s not. For single-cell organisms, this mechanism is…